Inquiring into Personal Meaning


We all seek to live with purpose. Through this commonality, we learn how spiritual experience, 
and systems of personal and shared belief, have shaped the human experience. 
We come to understand the importance of values and ethics and the significance of service.

Key Concepts: Beliefs, Values, Happiness, Service, Spirituality, Religion

Unit of Understanding:

Our values and beliefs influence the way we interact with other people.

Guiding Questions: 
  • How are people's beliefs and values connected?
  • How are our beliefs and values reflected through our behaviors?
  • What are the common values across different belief systems?
Unit Vocabulary:

belief, believe, value, person, social, spiritual, personal, influence, evidence, interact, 
religion, purpose, interact, respect, acceptance, empathy, diversity, systems, perspective,
open-minded, tolerance, identify, society, belief systems, rituals, faith

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